About Robotspaceshiptank

So, to explain:  I’ve created this blog as a repository for various creative works and ventures that I am and will be engaged in.

Some works will be part of the requirements for the M.A. in Design I am currently taking, and the rest will be examples of my professional work as well as posts commenting on different aspects (and artefacts) of graphic design and illustration.

As well as general posts, I’ve included specific pages which feature specific works, such as ongoing graphic narratives / comic strips and any information about them which might be useful.

As to why I have saddled this blog with the strange yet compelling title of ROBOTSPACESHIPTANK – well, if I wanted to be pretentious I could argue that like many bands of the popular or ‘rock-un-roll’ persuasion, who deliberately choose nouns or verbs with a neutral association (The Beatles, The Doors, The Killers, The Strokes, The Doves etc), therefore freeing themselves from associations with one particular genre, ideology or even era – I chose ROBOTSPACESHIPTANK because it was a collection of nouns, which basically … did what I just said about the bands…and stuff.

Also, I like frenetic, Japaneses sci-fi titles – ‘Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go’ anyone?

Actually, the real reasons behind my choice are a lot simpler and less intellectual.

Whenever I’m asked if I want something from the shop and can’t think of anything I actually want or need, I usually reply: ‘A robotspaceshiptank please’ which is of course impossible; the impossibility being the essence of the joke.

Well, it used to seem funny.  Perhaps I’ll stop using it now.

But to get back to my original point: when straining for a name for this blog, the old joke, ‘robotspaceshiptank’ came blurting out, and since I couldn’t think of anything else and really had to get this blog created for my course ASAP, ROBOTSPACESHIPTANK just sort of, kind of stuck.  Besides which it gave me an excuse to draw a robotspaceshiptank which I thought might be fun.

And that’s about it for ‘About’.  Please let me know what you think of my work (good and bad)  in the comments section, or you can email me at robotspaceshiptank@hotmail.com.  I would really love to know what you think.


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